Pins & Ribbons - Students Earn Medals of Achievement

Pins and Ribbons

As students progress through the season, they receive ribbons to demonstrate their progress in their lessons. At the end of most classes, students receive one of more than 15 different ribbons to show to their family and friends. These ribbons are great tools to reward and motivate students, and lift their spirits if something didn’t go right during the day. Ribbons can reward students for demonstrating a particular skill, such as "Terrific Turner", or a certain behavior or attitude, such as "Most Daring.)

At the end of the season, students have the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned to our supervisors and earn one of more than ten beautiful "PASS" (Personal Achievement Snow Skill) medal pins. These pin awards indicate either a student's progression from one level of skiing ability to another, or the achievement of a particular skill. After students have been awarded any four Advanced Specialty pins, they are eligible to receive our "Certified Double Diamond" medal pin.